2019年7月31日に 価値創造研究センターにて外国人客員教員による講演会が行われます

日時:2019 年 7 月 31 日(水) 16:00-17:30
場所:ES 総合館 2F 025 講義室
題目:Data Privacy without Noise
講演者:Panagiotis Karras
デンマーク オーフス大学計算機科学科
    准教授価値創造研究センター 特任准教授
概要:The right to privacy is challenged in the era of big data. Several organizations collect data involving people, which they share for benign purposes. Yet this data collection and sharing also raises privacy concerns. The question arises: can we share informative data under meaningful privacy guarantees? Syntactic data anonymization ventures to answer this question by producing a correct but imprecise data representation, without adding noise to the data. Yet the information-privacy tradeoff calls for sophisticated algorithms that maximize the preserved information while enforcing a privacy guarantee. Privacy guarantees require careful modeling themselves.
In this talk, I will outline three contributions to this field: (i) a framework for multidimensional data anonymization using space-filling curves; (ii) β-likeness, a privacy model that bounds the increase in an adversary’s confidence regarding sensitive information, and efficient algorithms for that model; and (iii) a method that anonymizes data by recasting values heterogeneously, thereby preserving more information, while providing the same privacy as other techniques. Last, I will talk about plans for further research in this area.