Department of Intelligent Systems


The Department of Intelligent Systems conducts research and education to explore theories and techniques for acquiring, enriching, and circulating real-world information in areas that span human intelligence, sensibility, body and information systems.
As a theoretical and technological foundation, students learn processing of images and videos, audio and acoustics, behavior signals, natural languages, applied artificial intelligence, applied data science, and so forth. The Department also offers intelligent user interface, human assist technology, and data analytics for knowledge and skill development in the design of intelligent processing systems. We also conduct research in various fields such as medical, law, history, educational information processing, and so forth, for implementing socially intelligent systems through knowledge and skill development.
Intellectuals having such knowledge and abilities are expected to contribute to society through careers such as technologists who can organically merge existing technologies, tools and frameworks to quickly create new products, persons bringing innovation to public services, and researchers in each of the fields mentioned above.


Data Analytics 1・2
Video and Image Processing 1・2
Audio / Behavior Signal Processing 1・2
Natural Language Processing 1・2
Arti cial Intelligence Systems 1・2
Multimedia Information Processing 1・2
Intelligent Interface 1・2
Intelligent Robotics 1・2
Intelligent System A1・A2
Intelligent System B1・B2
Data Processing Tools 1・2

Units, Members

Media Informatics Unit

This unit offers education and research on extraction and organization of large amount of information in the real world and convert that information into knowledge. This involves the analysis of images, audio signal, texts and so on, the storage and practical uses of large amount of information, and expression, extraction, and collaboration of knowledge information.


Faculty Members


System Informatics Unit

This unit offers education and research on systems assisting people in the fields of industry, medical welfare, education and the likes. This involves processing, coding, recognition and understanding, and generation of audio, language, and video, multimodal interfaces, and so on.


Faculty Members


Field Informatics Unit

This unit offers education and research on theories and practices to investigate, formulate and solve problems cyclically by applying various basic technologies to such fields as education, medicalcare, manufacturing, healthcare, mobility, and so on.


Faculty Members


Sensor-car for collecting run-time data

Medical Virtual Reality (VR) interface

E-coaching: Gaze analysis of expert and non-expert coaches